A book for kids ages 9 to 13, Worpple shares some of life’s secrets with tweens using adventure, humor, and warm fuzzy creatures.
Cam is a thirteen-year-old boy who needs an attitude adjustment. While saving Worpple from the Evil Magician, Cam learns some critical life lessons from endearing creatures. The Stoflies teach him that giving and kindness are contagious, and Wixer and the Orbins show him that anger bounces back at you and brings greater sorrow. Zarlock teaches Cam that kindness is contagious, and Love is the most potent force in the universe.
“If we believe in ourselves and keep Love at our side, we can accomplish miracles.”
-Lynn K. Russell
Launch July 20th, 2021
Available in paperback and an e-book on Amazon and all online book outlets
Launch July 20th, 2021
Available in paperback and an e-book on Amazon and all online book outlets
The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself takes the reader on an exploration of the death experience and amazing life lessons being brought back.
After researching 2500 NDEs, Lynn K. Russell offers a step-by-step journey to the incredible wonder you are. The Wonder of You is filled with research that stretches from man’s beginnings to the exciting new discoveries of physics.
Praise for the Wonder of You
Five out of Five Stars
I enjoyed reading this book and count it among those that I would enjoy re-reading. I have recommended it to those of my friends who are open-minded and interested in the large questions that life poses.
I think this book will appeal to mature readers (and I’m not talking about age) who are interested in science, metaphysics, biography, and the human condition. This book is, in it’s own way, groundbreaking, and will hold an appeal for a wide demographic of the population.
“It was Amazing”
I had the pleasure of interviewing Lynn K Russell on my podcast, the Radiate Wellness Podcast. Her book is very well researched and shows us as the wonderful creations we are.
Five out of Five Stars
Lynn’s research of over 2,500 NDEs and her insatiable desire to use science to explain the ineffable makes this second edition of ”The Wonder of You” a must read.
Lynn’s combination of quantum physics principles and vast familiarity of NDEs proves to be an invaluable combination for those trying to understand our consciousness. It’s a great place for explorers beginning their quest in knowledge about this subject and equally great for experienced veteran researchers.
Five out of Five Stars
This is an excellent, one of a kind book that I quite frankly found difficult to put down. It is well researched and thoughtfully presented. And like all “damn good” books, Ms. Russell leaves you wanting more.
The Wonder Of You: What The Near-Death Experience Tells You About Yourself is a melding of science and philosophy and theology and physics. More than 2500 near-death experiences were researched and analyzed. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, or anyone who may be nearing the end of life’s journey and are seeking answers to the ancient question, what happens when we die?
Author Lynn K. Russell
Blog Articles
“You are the writer of your life.” Nancy Wylde Pic: Mark Fitzpatrick
Jeff Mara Podcast
Jeff Mara Podcast August 26, 2020 https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8yMGE0ZjdmYy9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/OGQwODA4ZDItNjU4ZS00MzA5LWJmODgtNzJlMGZiODVkNGMx?hl=en-CA&ved=2ahUKEwi_l4HlueLtAhWTvp4KHYiwDY8QjrkEegQIBhAL&ep=6
The Powers in You
A wonderful interview with Leora Leon. Come and join us in our discussion of near-death https://www.bingenetworks.tv/media/the-powers-in-you-episode-14-lynn-k-russell-363205
Essay on Love
LOVE by Lynn K. Russell written for Mystic Order of the White Rose Newsletter August 1, 2020 Today, for some, the word love has lost it is meaning. We love objects, places, complete strangers [...]
The Killer Bra
Events that exist in memory wander through my mind. In my advanced years, the stories stack up like discarded newspapers reaching to the ceiling. One episode protrudes from the pile and brings belly-shaking laughter [...]
Ivey Enterprises
Ivey Enterprises is Lynn K. Russell’s company name.
Ivey is my Mother’s maiden name.