The Wonder of You:
What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself
What is life?
Why are we here?
What are we supposed to do in this physical existence?
This book takes the reader on an exploration of the death experience and amazing life lessons being brought back. After researching 2500 NDEs, Lynn K. Russell offers a step-by-step journey to the incredible wonder you are. The Wonder of You is filled with research that stretches from man’s beginnings to the exciting new discoveries of physics.
The Wonder of You on the Web
Near Death Experience Research Foundation Facebook Page
Reviews of the Wonder of You (2nd Edition)
5.0 out of 5 stars - Very positive book
Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2020
How I read this: Free ebook copy received through NetGalley
This book is full of positivity – just as the name suggests. It’s not just a collection of NDE (near-death experience) stories – they are only used as a tool to illustrate the point – that death is not final and consciousness is so much more than we allow ourselves to believe it is. Most of the NDEs are extremely positive, and those that are not are transitory and are explained. The goal is to make you less afraid of death and also help you realize you may have a higher purpose in life that just doing your daily chores for another 50 years. And despite the fact that your life is largely made up of those chores, you don’t have to be a hero to matter.
The book is very structured – so much so that I breezed through it in two evenings without taking any notes because I didn’t want to break the flow of thought. So now I can’t give you a more structured account of the contents. But the book talks about previous scientific experiments that were more or less acknowledged and prove the possibility of the reality NDEs point to. There are a lot of interesting ideas, but there’s no agenda, no religion or dogma. You’re free to choose what you’ll take away. The only goal of it seems to be to infuse you with positivity regarding your purpose in life and life in general.
Highly recommended, especially if you have struggled with the fear of death. Of course, if you are very averse to non-standard spirituality, the book may not be a fit for you.
I thank the publisher for giving me a free copy of the ebook in exchange to my honest review. This has not affected my opinion.
5.0 out of 5 stars - Outstanding
This book is just as much about life as it is death. But you must first journey through death, or what you think is death, before you can truly understand life, or what you think is life. Both realms are going to surprise you.
This is an excellent, one of a kind book that I quite frankly found difficult to put down. It is well researched and thoughtfully presented. And like all “damn good” books, Ms. Russell leaves you wanting more.
The Wonder Of You: What The Near-Death Experience Tells You About Yourself is a melding of science and philosophy and theology and physics. More than 2500 near-death experiences were researched and analyzed.
Here are just a few chapter topics:
– When Does Death Occur?
– Can We Eliminate Death?
– What Happens When We Die?
– Are NDEs Real?
– Consciousness
– Autistic Savants
– Stigmata
– Plant Consciousness
– Holy MenI highly recommend this book for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, or anyone who may be nearing the end of life’s journey and are seeking answers to the ancient question, what happens when we die?
4.0 out of 5 stars - Very unique book, not like other NLE Books
Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2020
I just reviewed The wonder of you by Lynn K. Russell.
I have read books on near death experiences before but not one like this. I have to admit this book challenged me.
The book started out correctly changing the name from Near Death experiences to Death Experiences as the people in the book did experience death and had a spiritual type of experience and then returned to their physical bodies. I say “Spiritual experience ” because when they died they all experienced a love spirit surrounding them of some kind.
The book covered many topics, like love, suicide, purpose, healing consciousness, our reality just to name a few.
I found myself while reading this book having many mixed thoughts and emotions. I try to be as open as possible and to some things i would find myself being amazed and even thinking aha..that makes sense. At the other hand some other things i would struggle with and discount.
This book i would recommend for anyone who wants to be challenged in their views…it is an amazing book. I loved the ending as the main point of the book was that people should realize how wonderful they are. I loved that because so many of us don’t know our beauty.
(Gifted book) – five out of five stars
As I’ve entered into the sixth decade of my life, I’ve become increasingly interested in the ‘big’ questions. What is the meaning of life? What is my part in the grand scheme of things? Is there a higher power? In the last decade I’ve sought out books that enter into the discussion around the nature of life and death. Among these are books that describe the near-death experience. Fortunately, books about this subject of NDE are much more commonplace than in 1975 when Raymond Moody wrote Life After Life. I’ve read quite a few NDE authors, from Kenneth Ring to Eben Alexander and Anita Moorjani. However, I found that Lynn Kathleen Russell’s book, The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You About Yourself, is quite unique in NDE literature.
The title of the book sets up a premise that the reader will, after completing the book, be able to relate to the implications from NDE data as an individual. In other words, while the NDE is perceived as a mystical experience, the observations that are gained from it can be applied to the practice of daily living. The book addresses the value of individual existence within the paradigm of a worldview invested with lovingkindness and connectedness.
The basis of the book is the sum of around 2,500 NDE reports that Lynn Russell researched for Dr. Jeffery Long. The preparation of that body of work represents a lot of dedication and passion. However, I feel that it is Lynn Russell’s organization of the NDE material that makes her book original and accessible for the average reader. Each chapter in the book is about one aspect of the NDE (such as the nature of time and free will), and she aptly illustrates these themes with the specific reports that apply to the topic.
Although no two people have had exactly the same NDE experiences, there are commonalities to their anecdotes. This analysis and the correlation and the way it is expressed is what Lynn Russell excels at. The tone of the book is very down-to-earth and conversational, and the author’s use of personal incidences in her own life give the reader a sense of warmth and immediacy.
I enjoyed reading this book and count it among those that I would enjoy re-reading. I have recommended it to those of my friends who are open-minded and interested in the large questions that life poses. I think this book will appeal to mature readers (and I’m not talking about age) who are interested in science, metaphysics, biography, and the human condition. This book is, in it’s own way, groundbreaking, and will hold an appear for a wide demographic of the population.
4.0 out of 5 stars - Very unique book, not like other NLE Books
Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2020
I just reviewed The wonder of you by Lynn K. Russell. #Thewonderofyoulifeafterdeath6thbooksjohnhuntpublishing #NetGalley
I have read books on near death experiences before but not one like this. I have to admit this book challenged me.
The book started out correctly changing the name from Near Death experiences to Death Experiences as the people in the book did experience death and had a spiritual type of experience and then returned to their physical bodies. I say “Spiritual experience ” because when they died they all experienced a love spirit surrounding them of some kind.The book covered many topics, like love, suicide, purpose, healing consciousness, our reality just to name a few.
I found myself while reading this book having many mixed thoughts and emotions. I try to be as open as possible and to some things i would find myself being amazed and even thinking aha..that makes sense. At the other hand some other things i would struggle with and discount.
This book i would recommend for anyone who wants to be challenged in their views…it is an amazing book. I loved the ending as the main point of the book was that people should realize how wonderful they are. I loved that because so many of us dont know our beauty.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Lynn K Russell on my podcast, the Radiate Wellness Podcast. Her book is very well researched and shows us as the wonderful creations we are.
5.0 out of 5 stars - An invaluable combination for those trying to understand our consciousness
Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2020
Lynn’s research of over 2,500 NDEs and her insatiable desire to use science to explain the ineffable makes this second edition of ”The Wonder of You” a must read. Lynn’s combination of quantum physics principles and vast familiarity of NDEs proves to be an invaluable combination for those trying to understand our consciousness. It’s a great place for explorers beginning their quest in knowledge about this subject and equally great for experienced veteran researchers.
Dec 10, 2019 – Three stars out of five – liked it
When I first encountered this book, I had thought it may be following on from other books examining the relevance of the near-death experience, or as the writer of this book more categorically called it, the death experience. In fact, this is more an interpretation of what these experiences really mean, in the light of recent discoveries of quantum physics (matter, including that table, is not real) and that consciousness appears to influence matter (the wave/particle finding). The experiences described in this book are reinterpreted through this lens. Reference is also made to the 90’s so-called Global Consciousness Project, in which it is claimed that collectively, it was somehow ‘known’ that 9/11 would happen, before it already did.
Consciousness and Soul operate beyond space and time and are therefore immortal, that is why there is an afterlife in the first place. Here, the book waxes a little too New Agey for my liking. It is suggested that there is no evil, no Satan, no Hell, that is all to do with human negativity.
On that topic, Swedenborg for example did claim that heaven and hell may both be subjective experiences this Soul existing beyond Space and Time may need to get out of their system before moving on. The problem with the New Age position to my mind is that is does not seem to recognise that bad things can happen to good people, nor respect what happened during, for example, the Holocaust. However, the position maintained here may be of both interest and possibly comfort to those individuals whose NDE was negative rather than positive. The fear of Hell can of course be used to frighten those who follow the rules of Caesar into submission and from that point of view, the approach taken here is certainly sympathetic.
My preference is actually for those books on the subject that maintain a more scientific approach to this topic. That way, there is less likely to be embellishment that may come from the beliefs those experiencing an NDE, which is essentially rather beyond most earthly understanding. The writer in fact touches upon the topic of embellishment, but sees this as being more to do with the fact that many people may still be creating their own reality, even while ‘dead.’
An interesting book and take on the subject, but one that may speak louder to the choir, rather than to those who may be wondering what to make of what does not seem to be an especially rare experience on a post-positivist world.
Dec 09, 2019 Ana rated it five out of five stars – it was amazing
So, about this book… Long story short, I had just registered on NetGalley and I somehow managed to accidentally click on the ‘require’ button and now I had to read and review it, for real… o.O
Now I must say that this has been one of the best mistakes I have made so far! ♡
This book felt like a sweet, warm, comforting hug. It brought deeper understanding and new perspective on matters I have read about before, while offering some new information as well.
The information is consistent and presented in a simple and easy to understand manner.
The stories shared are informative and very touching. They helped me find answers to questions that have troubled me for years.
I like that the book includes some important topics such as suicide, purpose and our connections to others, as well as concepts like Love, Light and Oneness.
It also has a chapter where the author explains the differences between out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences. Some may say they’re obvious, but I think it’s quite necessary to point them out in such a book.
This book is challenging, but I am sure that every open-minded person will find some gems in it and I recommend it to everyone who is interested in learning more about near-death experiences and spirituality in general.
Only reading this book brought a feeling of being wrapped in a blanket of love and acceptance. ♡
Jan 17, 2020 Four out of five stars – really liked it
Health, Mind & Body, Religion & Spirituality, Near Death Experience
This book is a compilation of near-death experience stories. The topics range from accidental deaths to suicide and the personal experiences vary. The stories have different tones since they are written by different people. The one underlying factor is the love and light felt by the participants. The stories are proof there is something after death. The author shares personal experience from her childhood to her abusive marriage.
I enjoyed reading this book and found it uplifting and full of positivity. I recommend this to anyone interested in near death experiences.
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Product Details
Second Edition
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: 6Th Books (February 1, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1789041295
ISBN-13: 978-1789041293
Product Dimensions: 5.6 x 0.4 x 8.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces
Kindle eBook File Size: 548 KB
Print Length: 200 pages
Publisher: 6th Books (January 31, 2020)
Publication Date: January 31, 2020
Language: English
Product Details