Enchanting, Charming, Winsome, Family Appealing

By the author of
The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You About Yourself.

Lynn K Russell is a five-star writer and spiritual leader.

A book for kids ages 9 to 13, Worpple shares some of life’s secrets with tweens using adventure, humor, and warm fuzzy creatures.

Cam is a thirteen-year-old boy who needs an attitude adjustment. While saving Worpple from the Evil Magician, Cam learns some critical life lessons from endearing creatures. The Stoflies teach him that giving and kindness are contagious, and Wixer and the Orbins show him that anger bounces back at you and brings greater sorrow. Zarlock teaches Cam that kindness is contagious, and Love is the most potent force in the universe.

“If we believe in ourselves and keep Love at our side, we can accomplish miracles.”
-Lynn K. Russell

Launch July 20th, 2021

Available in paperback and an e-book on Amazon and all online book outlets

About the author: Lynn has studied the various religious and spiritual philosophies of the world for over 67 years. She was delighted to have the opportunity to research 2500 near-death experiences. Now she has put the understanding gained into a children’s book for kids of all ages.

But it on Amazon!

Website: lynnkrussell.com
Facebook: Lynn Russell, near-death or, Wonder of You.
Twitter: Artsoul2
LinkedIn: Lynn K. Russell