SUPPORT EXAMPLE2020-05-30T11:30:49-06:00
“Rest tonight and know the storm will end.”
Tiny Buddha
February 19th, 2021|
“We are the hero of our own story.”
Mary McCarthy
February 14th, 2021|
“Freedom is that instant between
when someone tells you to do something
and when you decide how to respond.”
Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein
February 6th, 2021|
Stop looking for someone who makes you happy,
and be someone who makes you happy.
Bruce Van Horn
February 4th, 2021|
Age is a limitation 
you put on your mind.
January 30th, 2021|
Hello, sun in my face …
Watch, now, how I start the day
in happiness, in kindness.
Mary Oliver
January 27th, 2021|
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