

Understanding Violence

Published in The Next Truth, Where Science and Myth Meet, March 2020 edition

We are outraged and saddened by the cruelty and bloodshed happening around the world. Aside from record numbers of people fleeing their home countries, there is exceptional aggression on our streets and in our homes. While violence has been a part of human existence for centuries, it’s hard to know if it is getting worse, or are we just more aware of it? Does that awareness have the effect of creating more brutality? What are the underlying causes of extreme viciousness? Can we grab hold of this juggernaut and get it under control?

Each one of us strives to have our basic needs met; enough food to keep us healthy; decent shelter to protect us from the elements; appropriate and suitable clothing; and a sense of belonging. Typically, if these needs are met, it’s unusual for anyone to lash out to strangers in anger. When we perceive that others want to do us harm or deprive us of the necessities of life that we attack, it’s rare for a person to intentionally go out of his or her way to make another person angry. That would be completely illogical.

Fear plays a huge role when it […]

May 4th, 2020|Magazine Articles|

Quantum Happiness

Published in The Next Truth, Where Science and Myth Meet, January Edition

Happiness is a decision. There’s a direct link between our happiness and the thoughts we entertain. We aren’t talking about the Power of Positive Thinking, or You Can Heal Your Life, although you probably can. Instead, we need to look at science and see how it fits into our happiness.

Quantum particles are the smallest element science knows. They are the building blocks of all we know, the stars and planets, and each of us. So, one would think these essential elements would offer no difficulties in understanding their operation.

Yet these tiny dots of nothing have created the most significant amount of confusion within the scientific community than any other discovery in history. Like trying to catch a greased pig, physicists have been trying to pin them down for over one hundred years. They are demanding to capture an in-depth inspection. They morph from particle to wave in a flash. One quantum particle can go in two directions at once and be in more than one place simultaneously. They go through solid matter, and linked particles instantly communicate with one another from across the universe. This can’t be because the signal would be going faster than […]

May 2nd, 2020|Magazine Articles|

A Rebuttal: Near-Death Experiences are Real

Appeared in Science and Nonduality Online Science Magazine, 2019 and The Next Truth, Where Science and Myth Meet, May 2019

Just as artists are driven to create, scientists need to prove that something is as it seems. Their mantra is, don’t tell me, show me through repeated tests that arrive at the same results every time. Doubt and questions are the comfort food of science, and through peer reviews, the research is continuously questioned. Rightfully so, otherwise, how would we know what has been put forward is correct? The world is overflowing with pseudoscience, conclusions are given without the proper research. Peer reviews verify the findings and hold the researcher accountable and separate fact from imaginings.

With that understanding, I would like to dispute some of the scientific conclusions regarding near-death experiences. As with peer reviews, doubters push us to find definitive ways to illustrate the reality of these experiences. Thus, the material here attempts to bring verifiable information.

Dr. Raymond Moody chose to use the word ‘near’ in his identification of death experiences. Moody is a medical doctor, and it makes sense that he would inject this word into his work. Sadly it has inserted many years of uncertainty into the death reports. One man said […]

Canada’s Pied Piper Province — How Alberta Became Rat-less

Appeared in, October 28, 2018

Alberta, Canada, is the Pied Piper location of North America: there are no rats in Alberta. 

The story of how Alberta got rid of rats

It began sometime in the early 1950s when the prairie dog population was infected with an illness that caused bubonic and pneumonia in humans. Rats were dining on prairie dogs and becoming too close to humans. Thus, passing on the disease. Although there was no plague in the Alberta human population, some people got sick.

The government’s Department of Health recognized the possible severity of the situation and stepped in to stop this disease before it spread. When they realized rats were the cause, they looked for ways to get rid of the pests. At that time, Saskatchewan was blamed for the rats because they seemed to be coming from that direction. The Western border of Alberta is the Rocky Mountains, and although rats came into the province from there, they were small in number. 

Coupled with diseases, the rats […]

October 28th, 2018|Magazine Articles|
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